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21 Meeting House Lane
East Sussex

01273 773 544

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21 Meeting House Lane
Brighton East Sussex
1273 773 544

21 Meeting House Lane
East Sussex

01273 773 544

Cabochon cut gemstones an alternative to faceted gems

If you love the idea of wearing a Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby or another vividly coloured gemstone but are not a 'sparkly' kind of person, then a cabochon cut stone could be just what you are looking for! The raw material is the same so these are the same gemstones you could see sparkling away on a more conventional ring. The difference is that after these stones are mined they are polished with a domed top instead of lots of individual facets. The end result is amazing.

cabochon sapphire ring

Sometimes the needle-like inclusions in cabochon cut gems result in 'star's like the blue & purple Star Sapphires below:

cabochon cut sapphire ring

purple cabochon sapphire ring

In other instances similar needle-like inclusions create a 'cat's eye' effect which, like the stars, shimmers when moved:

natural colour change cat's eye alexandrite

All of the above rings were made at RING jewellers local, Brighton workshops.


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