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21 Meeting House Lane
East Sussex

01273 773 544

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21 Meeting House Lane
Brighton East Sussex
1273 773 544

21 Meeting House Lane
East Sussex

01273 773 544

WIN a bespoke Star Trek ring, #LoveLongAndProsper

Captain Kirk once famously told us to boldly go where no man has gone before. 50 years later we are asking our next generation ladies to boldly go and propose!  To celebrate the 2016 leap year coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the original Star Trek series, we’re launching a very special competition. Fancy winning? […]

The modern day proposal

The Leap Day, which falls on the 29th February every four years, has long been known as a day of folklore and superstition. It has also become a modern declaration of love. According to an old Irish legend, St Brigid complained to St Patrick that women had to wait far too long for men to […]